Case Study


Reliable biometric technologies to assist police authorities in combating terrorism and organized crime

Visit TENSOR website in order to learn more about the project.

What is TENSOR?

Biometrics address a longstanding concern to prove one’s identity, irrefutably, by using what makes a person unique.Today, biometric identification is being combined with other advanced technologies such as behavioural detection, emotion recognition, and brain-computer interfaces to serve an array of purposes, including healthcare, law enforcement, and border control.

TENSOR will provide Police Authorities a platform that facilitates the biometric evidence extraction, sharing, and storage in cross border environments, allowing them to share best practices in an automated, robust, secure, privacy-preserving and scalable manner. The full potential of biometrics technologies will be exploited, as well as their fusion with less distinctive features in case of partial evidence gathered.

About BehavAuth

The majority of Active and Healthy Ageing services build upon username/password based authentication, inheriting their drawbacks, jeopardizing the exposure of health-care data but also reducing the user acceptance of new technologies. Behavioural patterns constitute a unique characteristic of people in their daily life, which could provide valuable information in the process of verifying and identifying the users in information systems. Having a secure and frictionless authentication mechanism ensures the security and privacy of individuals while provides a user-friendly approach. In parallel, the costs for potential data breaches are reduced as only the appropriate people are able to access their data. BehavAuth provided a secure and frictionless authentication mechanism ensuring the security and privacy of individuals while providing  user-friendly approach.


  • SUPPORT the forensic investigation through the provision of innovative biometric intelligence and insights.
  • EXPLOIT further the potential of behavioural and physiological biometrics via emerging, privacy preserving and legally compliant technologies enabling the derivation of concrete and robust contextual evidence.
  • FACILITATE the secure cross-border exchange of biometric data through accountable and sovereign blockchain mechanism, while ensuring interoperability with different legacy systems.
  • DEMONSTRATE and validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed solutions in three complementary use cases in real settings with the active engagement of several LEAs and Forensic institutes accomplishing at the end of the project a TRL 7 for the entire platform.
  • ENSURE wide communication of the produced results and the efficient exploitation and business planning of the TENSOR concepts, processes and solutions facilitating their rapid uptake by relevant Police Authorities and Forensic Institutes.

Benefits to European crime and terrorism fight

BehavAuth facilitates the user acceptance of the ACTIVAGE framework by removing the overcomplicated username/password approach.

BehavAuth will technologically benefit the ACTIVAGE project by:

  1. empowering security as it combines multiple biometrics and behavioural patterns, eliminating the errors of each individual method,
  2. easiness-to-use as the system does not require any user input; a factor particularly important for AHA,
  3. strengthening privacy as the users e.g. elderly people, become sole owners and having full control over their personal data and
  4. improving the trustworthiness of AHA services through the use of behavioural authentication.


ACTIVAGE project comprises a large consortium of 49 partners distributed across Europe including SMEs, industrial partners, research entities, public entities, academic institutes and others.

Key partners that Quadible is collaborating with are:

  • Medtronic, which is the Project Coordinator and responsible for the management and coordination of the project activities.
  • Samsung, handling the integration with the Leeds UK deployment site as well as technical coordination of trials.
  • Leeds City Council, supporting the adoption of the ACTIVAGE framework from the end-users including our behavioural authentication.