Case study
Smart data-driven solutions for early risk detection and intervention amongst senior population.
Visit the GATEKEEPER website in order to learn more about the project.

GATEKEEPER is a European Multi Centric Large-Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is enabling the creation of a platform that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, and elderly citizens and the communities they live in, in order to originate an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for the ageing populations.

MENTAL project focuses on improving the detection and prevention of behaviour changes and mental conditions for elderly people, to reduce productivity costs for healthcare organisations, allow them to live independently at home while improving the security/privacy and trustworthiness of healthcare solutions.
The MENTAL project objectives are summarised into:
- Extending the AHA services of the GATEKEEPER project on four Pilot Sites,
- Improving the security and the user acceptance of the current vulnerable and non-user-friendly authentication AHA services through a frictionless behavioural authentication mechanism.
- Empowering the global outreach of the GATEKEEPER ecosystem, through continuous dissemination and communication activities.

Benefits to the Active and Healthy Ageing
MENTAL will provide two-fold benefits to end-users as well as to GATEKEEPER, both in terms of healthcare and cybersecurity.
In terms of healthcare, MENTAL will help GATEKEEPER:
- early detect diseases by predicting medium-long term behaviour anomalies and short term mental conditions
- improve the well-being of people using the GATEKEEPER and AHA services by better understanding their mental state,
- improve the productivity and reduce human error of the GATEKEEPER stakeholders, as they do not have to manually measure and understand the mental state and behaviour changes of elderly people,
- collect a wider pool of behavioural information that enhance other services of the GATEKEEPER platform introducing better personalisation and higher accuracy.
In terms of cybersecurity, continuous behavioural authentication will benefit GATEKEEPER:
- empower security as it combines multiple biometrics and behavioural patterns, eliminating the errors of each individual method,
- easiness-to-use as the system does not require any user input; a factor particularly important for AHA,
- strengthen privacy as the users e.g. elderly people, become sole owners and having full control over their personal data and
- improve trustworthiness of AHA services through the use of behavioural authentication.

GATEKEEPER projects constitutes of a large consortium of prestigious partners from 13 different European countries including research institutes, healthcare providers, small and large industrial organisations. Among them are the following organisations:
- Medtronic a leader in the area of medical devices
- Samsung Electronics a huge electronics manufacturer
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise a multinational enterprise information technology company